µChart optic test card lets you check your phone camera, lenses, and other optics


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Oct 26, 2023

µChart optic test card lets you check your phone camera, lenses, and other optics

11:26 am November 16, 2022 By Julian Horsey If you are interested in testing your phone camera lenses and optics, you may be interested in a new testing card name, the µChart . Created by the team

11:26 am November 16, 2022 By Julian Horsey

If you are interested in testing your phone camera lenses and optics, you may be interested in a new testing card name, the µChart. Created by the team responsible for the iMicro Q range of microscope lenses that transform your phone into a high powered microscope. The unique testing card offers a quality micro-Chart with fine patterns tests the resolution of your camera, lenses, phone, and other optical equipment.

Two different µCharts are available depending on your needs µChart12233 and µChart1951 and both comply with iso 12233 or US military test protocol says its creators. The cards are suitable for testing close-up lenses with larger magnification as well as smaller phone cameras. “µChart12233 is ten times smaller than a standard ISO12233 test chart and has a 1:1 ratio to a full-frame camera“. Early bird pledges are now available for the creative project from roughly $15 or £13 (depending on current exchange rates).

“When we test our eye’s vision, we see a chart from a distance. So, when we test a lens and camera, a dedicated chart is necessary; if we want to test the camera and lens with a short focal length or larger magnification ratio, we need a dedicated tiny test chart with fine patterns. It is easy to use µChart, to observe the µChart with enough illumination and stable condition to get the best image. You can recognize the finest pattern on the image or use software to analyze the image to get the results.”

If the µChart crowd funding campaign successfully raises its required pledge goal and the project completion progresses smoothly, worldwide shipping is expected to take place sometime around March 2023. To learn more about the µChart optic test card project scrutinize the promotional video below.

“Today, the phone usually has multiple cameras, and You may use your phone camera to take a picture of it and then check the finest pattern you can record with your phone with each camera. You can use it to test your camera with different lenses, especially for close-up lenses that are used to shoot small items. A standard close-up lens on a full-frame SLR usually has a 1:1 ratio, which is equivalent to the size of 24X36mm. You may use your camera and close-up lens to take a picture of it and then check the finest pattern you can record.”

“µChart is made with the photomask technique in the microelectronic industry, one of the processes to make IC chips. So its accuracy and quality are ensured. On the other hand, instead of glass/metal, µChart can be made on large PET sheets and cut into each piece of µChart (6×9 cm) by mass production. Thus µChart can be a low cost.”

For a complete list of all available campaign pledges, stretch goals, extra media and engineering specifications for the optic test card, jump over to the official µChart crowd funding campaign page by clicking the link below.Source : Kickstarter

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